Monday, August 25, 2008

Woah, Play this.

Wei Kit.

Forget Lineage 2.


I think you'll like this.

Smokin' hot.




Harkem said...

looks like hyungtae's work
In game battle looks rocking
But omg if the gameplay is anything like GE or lineage manz. I wun pay for pretty art and rubbish gameplay =/ where were the days of ragnarok!!!

Seras said...

haha. yea, its HTK alright.

yea, im praying it doesn't go down the long sad road of games like GE. But it looks promising tho, apparently, what you see there, is what you can do in game.


Aaron Seah said...

Looks 100 times better than cabal!

But I just hate the idea of monsters bashing up those hotties' faces LOL

Kai Ng said...

yes... RO still rox. but heard the RO2 sux. Blood and Gore... i like... I have to +fav those environments...