Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Storm Warriors 2

its been quite long since the first movie storm warriors. the 2nd storm warriors movie is still in the making i guess, i stumble upon this blog that shows some photos of the film as well as some nice illustration concept of the characters in the movie. Ekin Cheng and Aaron Kwok reprising their roles as Wind and Cloud which is a good thing.feast your eyes. lol http://www.thestormwarriors.com/blog/

The Top 5 figurines i WANT

Christmas is over.. BUT SO WHAT

Don't think Santa would make stuff like these anyways.

These are for the 'naughty' ones =D

Yoko - Realistic version (E2046)

Asuka - Realistic version (E2046)

Nida Schuetlich - from an illustration by Shunya Yamashita (Good Smile)

Fasalina (Max Factory)

Yuki, Haruhi, Mikuru - Rocker ver. (Max Factory)



Saturday, December 20, 2008

Japanese Games CM madness!

Watch and LOL.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Whose Panel - 001

I'll be the host for this first time.

The panels are ready. Everyone who wants to take part, just comment on this post with the number you want! First come first serve.


Okay all spots are filled! Here's the list.

1 - Yaohui
2 - Iz
3 - Shah
4 - Kirmu
5 - Kai
6 - Yinghao
7 - Sean
8 - CC
9 - Kit

Sorry for all those who didn't make it =[ Try again next time!

And here's the file for all those participating..


Aaaand, the Clue is :

Had a movie loosely based on it released this year, and a game based on the movie is coming out next year.

(seriously, this one is damn easy)

First one to shout the answer in the shout box will be the next host!

And since this is our first time, we will do this in BLACK AND WHITE. Well, to be more exact, Grayscale. Feel free to use any screentones or other comic book effects you find. And oh, REMEMBER, STAY INSIDE YOUR BOX!@#$!@$!@$


(it's liek just a small box, i'm pretty sure you can fill it up in a week.)

When you're done, just zip the psd file and send to me, by msn, email or wateva. Preferably email, i check it everyday.

Now get workin'

Whose Panel Is It Anyway?


This is one we've talked about for a while now, finally going to set things in place.


- How it works.
A person will be selected as the host (selection method further down) each time we do this theme. The host will then pick either a one page panel, or a 2 page spread panel from ANY comic book he desires, trace out the frames within the panel or panels, and then number them randomly.

After that is done, all participants in the theme must then pick any number. When everyone has a number, the host will send all the participants the panel layout. The participants will then draw within their selected frame. OVERLAPPING THE FRAME IS NOT ALLOWED. Any overlaps will be deleted.

When all participants are done, or when the pre-decided time frame has elapsed, all work must be sent to the host. The host will then compile the works into one, and then release the complete piece or post it on the blog.

- How is the host selected?
This is the fun part. After all the participants have gotten their numbers and the host has released the layout, the participants must then guess which comic the panel layout originated from. The host must release a clue to aid the participants in their guesses. There is no limitation on the clue, it can be as easy or as hard as you deem it fit, just so long as it IS a workable clue. The first participant to guess correctly will become the next host. If no one manages to guess it right, the current host retains his position.

- Can you explain more about being the host?
The host does the most work. Aside from choosing the panel or panels, and subsequently cleaning it up, the host also has to collect and compile all the works when done. However, the host can choose whether or not he wants to contribute to that particular event. He may choose not to add his work to the panel, but he still has to do all the other tasks. The benefit of being the host is that you get first pick on whichever frame you desire on the panel you selected.

- What will the layout be like?
It will be a PSD file containing nothing but the empty panel(s), and their numbers. The PSD will be zipped and uploaded onto any file-hosting site, for the convenience and easy access of all participants.

- How do i submit my work?
Simply send the zipped PSD of your work to the host via any channels, be it MSN, file-hosting, or email. Just so long as the host successfully recieves the finished piece.

- What can i draw?
You're the artist. Be creative. Feel free to add text boxes or any other comic book elements into your frame. JUST SO LONG AS YOU DO NOT OVERLAP OTHER FRAMES. The only exception to the overlapping rule is that you have permission from the person whose frame you are going to overlap. If he/she allows it, then so be it.

- Color or Black/White?
This one should be decided by all participants before the theme is started.

- How long do we have?
This one should also be decided by all participants before the theme is started.

I hope that covers all the questions anyone might have, if not, just comment or shout, and i'll reply asap.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Isaac at EOY

"Taste my pistol!""OMG!"
Group photo after the mini photoshoot, will upload the rest tommorrow..

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Card Game update 1

All this was discussed yesterday.

Card layout is gonna be changed. A few people have brought up the issue of the awkward positioning of the parts in the card. Gonna change it to a simpler, more conventional layout. The new layout will be done and be available for download tomorrow night. Here's a preview.

UPDATE* Download new layouts here [LINK] This link expires in 7 days.

About the issue of sub-classification first brought up by CC, we have decided to add in a system of Elements, not unlike your basic fantasy card games. This was chosen over a system of unit types due to the wide variety of unit types we expect to have. As discussed, the Elements are:
1) Light / Holy / Life - White
2) Dark / Death - Black
3) Fire - Red
4) Water / Ice - Blue
5) Nature / Earth - Green
6) Air -
7) Mechanical - Brown
8) Neutral - Grey
Cards with Elements will be colored accordingly to the Element, to aid in visual identification. This will be handled and explained in further detail at a later portion, so don't worry too much about elements just yet.

Lastly, there's been a issue of card balance for quite awhile now. The only feasible way to right this is for everyone to stop adjusting their own card's stats at the moment.

So for now, everyone please take note, only add the illustration, the card name, and whatever story you wish to include to the cards you make.

All stats, abilities and cost etc will be added later.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Rawk Bannnnnn

This saturday!

Sean's place!

But first!

Meet 1pm at AMK!

Be there!

We're meeting 1pm at AMK coz we need to sit down and discuss the card game thing. There's several issues with it, so we need to iron em out. After that, rock band all teh way.


Trying out new techniques...

The texture brushes really do wonders =) 

Saw some artwork and got some inspiration on the feel of the painting. I think i replicated it quite nicely and quite satisfied with it... but the design of the character can be more fancy i thought... if its not fancy its not quite me isn't it... haha... more coming up, guys! keep posting!
This probably wouldn't be the final product, just did this in 1 hour or so, when i've got the time i'll touch it up on the finer details... 

Friday, November 21, 2008



for those who missed the earlier link. the file will be removed after 7 days.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Angel and Mecha Hybrid

Yo folks! My first contribution for the blog. Seen the card illustrations and works you folks put up, my hand itchy. So, here goes:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Terminator ??? lol

Develop from a concept sketch i posted earlier. Last sat i went to a digital painting workshop at orchard by noise singapore. i was eager to try out the technique that the person teach. although it's just burn, dodge and smudge tool, it can still work wonders if you know how to use it and also using the tools and function in Photoshop to it fullest, sometimes it can give you a surprise. Practise makes perfect, i hope i have improve in my painting as i always have alot of troubles when comes to painting, hope it doesn't look too bad, above is the sketch and colour version of the character. as this is for a card game, i am thinking of adding equipment and some other things to this guy. there are other concept sketches i want to try designing also from my previous post. no harm drawing lol 0_o

It's good to be home.


seriously missed you guys. (no gay shit please)

Did some cards while i was over there. Gonna color em asap.

Haiz.. got so many games to play..


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

One more thing~~~~


Seems like this weekend is going to be a chiongster one!
Gonna be spending like mad making up for the weeks you spent in Australia. =P

one more to my collection!

Grave of the Fireflies...

Magnificent movie by Hayao Miyazaki... i was doing saturday sunday duty and watched it in the ops room... super sad story and touching... got chance go rent or download watch it please... really really good show but heart breaking... 

dunno what smiley to put lor... =) =(  >_<  T____T  

Link to go to the official website to read up more... you wouldn't be wasting your 88 minutes watching it...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

2nd Arkrubar


Sunday, November 9, 2008

The deal is 2 cards.

When u "aruba" a person, means u koropok him.
Arkrubar is a super powerful being that begins a conquest of the 3 different worlds, namely the heavens, earth and netherworld. After successfully becoming the " No equal of heaven and earth ", his downfall begins during his last conquest of the netherworld after losing to the Lord of Terror due to reason I haven think of.
After which, Arkrubar is sealed away in a void space between the worlds, but its overwhelming strength is to much for it to contain with and eventually, 3 forces of Arkrubar itself was spilted from the sealed body, namely incarnation of his overwhelming strength, unbreakable defence and lightning speed, unleashed its wrath on the 3 worlds it self.
The 3 worlds start to fight against the 3 entity and then I still dunno what is going to happen next.

When u become "siao", u will become to act crazy.
Card created last minute due to going to book in to the most sian place on earth, CAMP.

My updates...

Here are some of the updates, have been painting on the first card. For now, I will just show the linework versions...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ok ok... heres mine....

Heres my stuff... at first i wanted to go for a more mechanized race... well.. maybe i'll work in that direction some other time. for now, these are what i've got... =)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Sunday, November 2, 2008

Concept sketches

some concept sketches i did for the card game. first time try sketching in photoshop, i am thinking of a mix fantasy with sci-fi. above are some designs for the hero card and Non-hero Units that form the base of the armies

Friday, October 31, 2008

Another Card + WRAITH update

you asked for more cards XD

Base scout unit. What I have in mind is this: units are classified into different classes, say Scouts, Infantry, Heavy Armour etc; and within these classes we have 3 different sub classes:

- the base unit (in this case, the MANNEQUIN, which is a base scout)
- a specialist unit (planning a sniper in this case)
- a Hero (the WRAITH card that I posted previously)

On the card, the classification for the different sub classes might be Scout - Specialist for the sniper, Scout - Hero for WRAITH.

Some thoughts that popped up while doing this:

Was thinking of a general UPGRADE card that you can use on BASE units only; ie Specialists and Heroes cannot be upgraded. But since we have Equipment Cards.. wondering if its still workable.

Maybe we need a board design.

Thought of a duel situation where a player can choose a hero that he already has and challenge an opponent hero to a duel; could be useful in a situation where a player has weak unit cards but good hero cards.

And I'm a beeeet concerned that its a 1v1 game... but more on that later. lolz.

And update on the WRAITH card.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Card Game Guidelines

For your information.


1) The Game
2) Deck Construction
3) Card Elements
4) Card Types
5) The Playing Field
6) Pre-game Prep
7) Turn Order
8) Combat
9) Winning the Game
10) Miscellaneous

1 - The Game

Based on an Open-world concept, where no limitations are imposed upon the styles or influences used in design production of the cards. The basic overarching theme of the game is War, a massive conflict where the line between good and evil is blurred.

The objective of the game is Domination. This is achieved by seizing and maintaining control of the battlefield, and the destruction of the opposing base. Domination is currently the only victory type available, more might be introduced with further expansion of the game.

2 - Deck Construction

The basic rules for construction of a standard deck are :
- 60 cards in the deck
- 3 seperate Location cards
- 1 Base card
- Maximum of 3 of each individual card (except for Uniques - only 1 in a deck)
- Maximum 5 Hero type cards

And also required are small counters, used for indication of resources, damage e.t.c.

3 - Card Elements

An overview of the card elements. (Picture reference to be added soon.)


- Name : The name of the card.
- Title : Heroes, Units, and Equipment only. Has no effect on gameplay.
- Type : The type of card.
- Cost : Heroes, Units, and Equipment only. The cost of playing the card to the table. From left to right, the 3 costs are Manpower, Magical, and Material.


Heroes and Units only.

- Combat Strength : A base score of attack and defence capability. Combat Strength governs how much base damage a unit deals in combat.
- Agility : Speed, reflexes, perception. Determines who moves first in combat, and also affects the outcome of certain abilities and bonuses.
- Armor : Gives a reduction to damage taken.
- Health : Base hit points.
- Leadership : Heroes only. Command ability of the Hero. Only Heroes possess this stat, and this stat is only applied if a hero is played as a Leader rather than a combatant.


- Abilities : The name of the ability, and it's effect. Abilities come in many kinds, some have a passive, ongoing effect, some are used during combat, some during your opponent's turn e.t.c.
- Leadership effect : Heroes only. Determines which stat a Hero affects when played as a Leader.
- Backstory : Not compulsory. A short description or story of the card. Helps makes things more interesting, and could even lead to a full-blown storyline. (Could look into that sometime.)
- Logo : A small logo for our card game. (Not done yet, will do it at one of the gatherings.)
- Illustrator's name : You drew it, so put your name on it.
- Serial number : Self-explanatory.
- Rarity : Cards are either Common (CMN), Uncommon (UCM), or Rare (RAR).

4 - Card Types

There are 7 card types, more might be introduced in further expansion.


- Heroes are the leaders of your army, either by example, or by command.
- They typically possess higher stats and better abilities as compared to Units.
- All Heroes are unique.
- Can be played to the table either as a combatant, or a leader.
- As a combatant, Heroes are played like Units. Equipment can be attached, and Events played on the Hero. Affected by Location bonuses.
- As a leader, Heroes are played onto Units. The attached leader grants leadership bonus, but cannot participate in combat, nor can the Hero use abilities. If the Unit the Hero is attached to is defeated, the Hero is discarded along with the Unit.
- Requires a Cost to play the Hero onto the table, either as a combatant or as a leader.


- The backbone of your army. Can be anything from a squad of grunts, a hulking beast, to a mammoth battleship.
- Have the 4 basic stats.
- Some Units are unique.
- Can have Equipment attached, and is affected by Events and Location bonuses.
- Requires a Cost to play the Unit onto the table.


- Special Items that gives stat bonuses and/or special abilities.
- Can only be played on Heroes and Units, although some specify either Hero or Unit.
- Once attached, the Eqiupment may not be removed unless via an ability.
- When the Hero/Unit the Equipment is attached to is defeated, the Equipment is discarded along with the Hero/Unit.
- Requires a Cost to play the Equipment onto the table.


- 'Decider' cards. Can sway the momentum of the game if properly used.
- Each Event card is played at a specific phase of the game, and should generally be listed on the card itself.
- Events have NO cost.


- Battlegrounds. Control over these leads to Victory.
- Both sides decide on their 3 location cards at the start of the game.
- There can be no 2 similar Locations in both sides.
- Grants special bonuses or negations.
- Locations have their own unique attributes that determine whether a Hero/Unit is affected by the bonus/negation.
- When a player wins in combat, that player gets control of the Location, which is shown by moving the Location card to your side.
- Anytime a player controls all 6 Locations, he is then able to attack the opposing Base.


- Provides you with the resources necessary for your war effort.
- Each Resource card provides either Manpower, Mana, or Materials. Some provide more than one resource.
- Counters are used to determine the amount of resources.
- Resource cards are untouchable, unless via certain abilities or events.
- Certain Resources require a Cost to play onto the table.


- Your base of operations.
- Can only be attacked when all 6 Locations are held.
- Base come with base points. (shown using counters) The amount of base points is decided pre-game.
- Loss of the base results in defeat.

5 - The Playing Field


- The deck is placed right in front of you, on the right.
- To the right of the deck is the discard pile.
- To the left of the deck is where Resource cards are placed.
- The base is placed left of the Resources.
- Above the resources, are the Units and Heroes.
- And further above the Units and Heroes, are the Locations.

6 - Pre-game Prep

Before the start of the game, the two players have to go through some pre-game preparation.

- Discuss the amount of Base-points to be played. The amount can be anywhere from 3-10, or more, depending on how long of a game you decide to play. Recommended amount is 8. Place counters on the Base card to signify the Base points.
- Decide on the Locations. There cannot be 2 similar locations.
- Determine who starts first. Flip a coin, or any other method decided upon.

Once these are done, they may then proceed to:

- Shuffle the decks. You may choose to cut each other's decks, in the interest of fairness.
- Place the deck, the Base card, and the Location cards in their respective positions.
- Draw 5 cards for your starting hand.

Now you are ready to play the game.

7 - Turn Order

There are several phases during each new turn that occur in order.

a. Recovery Phase - Draw 1 card. Must be drawn every turn unless your deck is depleted. Restore one point of health to all Units and Heroes, not exceeding their base Health stat.
b. Resource Phase - Calculate the total resources you gain this turn and add accordingly.
c. Deploy Phase - Heroes, Units, Equipments, and Resources can only be played to the table during this phase.
d. Abilities/Events Phase - Non-combat Abilities or Events are played during this phase.
e. Combat Phase - Refer to the section on Combat.
f. End of Turn.

8 - Combat

A player can only initiate combat on the Combat phase of his turn. Before actual combat begins, the 2 players have to decide on several key factors :

- Size of the Battle : The attacker will choose how many units he decides to bring into the battle, to a maximum of 3. The defender can choose to defend with the same number, or less.
- Location : The attacker chooses the location. He can only attack a location under his opponent's control, not one under his control.
- Order of Battle : The Hero/Unit with the highest Agility goes first, and so on. In the event of a draw, the one with a lower Armor rating gets to go first.

When these have been decided, the battle may commence. One by one, each Hero/Unit goes through their turns in the order decided upon before the battle. The phases in a turn consist of :

a. Untap phase - Rotate the Hero/Unit back to normal, to indicate that this card is active.

b. 1st Abilities/Events phase - The Hero/Unit can use its ability during this phase. Event cards can also be played during this phase.

c. Attack phase - Choose an enemy Hero/Unit you wish to attack. Calculate your Hero/Unit's total Combat Strength (+ Equip, Event, Location, Hero Bonuses), and then calculate and minus off the total Armor of the opposing Hero/Unit you wish to attack (+ Equip, Event, Location, Hero Bonuses). The resulting amount is dealt to the opponent as damage. Place one counter for each point of damage on the Hero/Unit, until the number of counters is equal to the Hero/Unit's Health, at which point the Hero/Unit is considered defeated, and is discarded. Note that some event cards can be played during the course of an Attack phase.

d. Tap phase - Rotate the Hero/Unit 90 degrees clockwise, to indicate this unit is inactive.

The players carry on with each Hero/Units turn in sequence, until one side is utterly defeated, or the Attacker chooses to withdraw. If the Attacker wins, he gains control of the Location, and the Location card must be put onto his side of the table. If the Defender wins, he maintains control of the Location.

Note that during the pre-battle, the defender may choose not to defend the target Location, allowing the Attacker to claim the Location unchallenged.

When a player controls all 6 Locations, that player can then begin to attack the opposing Base. Battles over a Base are fought similarly, except for several differences :
- If the Attacker wins, he can then deal damage to the enemies base. The damage dealt is equal to the number of undefeated Attackers left at the end of that battle. Remove counters from the base card equivalent to the damage recieved.
- The defender MUST defend the Base if he has Heroes/Units available. If he has none, then the Attacker deals damage to his base.
- Bases grant bonuses only to the Defenders. They have no negations, and no attributes.
- The Base is not a Location, and thus the Attacker does not control it after a Victory.
- The Base falls when all Base points have been consumed.

9 - Winning the Game

The game is won via Domination. The requirements for Victory are :

a. Control of all 6 Locations.
b. Destruction of the Enemy Base.

Note that there are certain cards that allow you to deal Base Damage without requiring control of all 6 Locations. In the event where a player who does not control all 6 Locations manages to destroy the opposing base, the opposing base regains half of the original amount of base points.

10 - Miscellaneous

Nothing here yet.


That's about what i have thought out so far. The main elements of it were mostly taken from other card games, Mechwarrior and Pokemon being my main inspirations.

Opinions? Critique? Comment on this post.



One of the most value for money one we ever had. Free flow dishes and crabs... haha...