Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Colonel

Oh look, my first post.

Right, so... this is my submission for the Character Design thingy. You're probably thinking, "Why another army motif? Isn't NS bad enough?" but man, I was up at MINDEF during a Minister visit, and those female officers in full dress uniform.... Hot.

Some sketches I did. Looks pretty... well, bland, compared to some of what you guys are doing. Hey, I like simple.

And the Final Piece:



Seras said...

dress uniform + boots = wayyy hot.

Ancient Zupid said...

Plain or not, all contribution are precious and most welcomed =) haha atleast your 'first' post has got more content then some of our 'long timers'. muahahaha.

CC said...


and yes, girls in uniform are always hot. keep them coming. weeeeee

wuweijie said...

awesome! way to go!