Sunday, March 29, 2009

DMD gathering / cosfest 2009 chalet

Hey everyone,

(fyi. This isn't really the actual invite, rather a notification prior to the invite itself, so that people are informed early, and so we can finalize a guest list to let us decide on the smaller details.)

A bunch of us guys are organizing a chalet tentatively set on the nights of the 10th (fri) to the 12th (sun) on the month of July '09. Originally the idea of it was to give those of us attending Cosfest '09 a nice place to crash at, and for those who are cosplaying a good place to use as a changing room. But we ultimately decided to upscale it to what we hope is a massive gathering.

We are planning to have it at the Aranda resort at downtown east. It's a really nice place, fully air conditioned, with ample space for 20+ people. There will be a BBQ on the night of 11th (Sat), and there will be many planned activities and entertainment, all being prepared by the best minds in our cohort. And in the background of all this, Cosfest '09 will be going on at the Downtown east pavilion, on the 11th and the 12th. Some of us will be participating, some to snap some photographs, and others just going there to enjoy the one-of-a-kind atmosphere only found at a cosplay event. A more complete schedule will be included on the invite mail. Planning for this chalet will be a lot of work, but we are thouroughly dedicated to making this a f*ckin awesome event.

Here's where we need your help. Without a healthy attendance, this event will be a thoroughly epic failure. We're looking for at least 20 people, preferably around 30 or more, to attend this chalet. And as most of us are either working or serving NS, staying overnight is entirely your choice, although we thoroughly encourage you to do so. Your attendance is extremely appreciated. Also, to help alleviate the costs we have to bear on organizing this gathering, we require those who are coming to provide a $10 deposit first. Some people might get turned off by this, (what? aren't i already doin them a favor by goin?!?) but please understand that most of us organizers are NSFs, we don't earn much. We won't bluff you, chances are you might to pay abit more during the gathering itself, to cover for unforseen costs, or people who don't show up, forcing us to readjust the amount per person. On our part, we will do our best to make this an event totally worth your money, coz in the end, we're doing this not for ourselves, but for everyone to come and enjoy a night of good fun with old friends.

Confirm your attendance by :
1) email / SMS / MSN Wei Kit, Aaron Joshua Chua, or myself. (I'm overseas for the entire moth of April, contact the other 2 for faster replies)
2) comment on this post.

Cheers people, and reply fast!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cat Shit one trailer LOL

A cute and interesting 3d animation i saw on youtube, by Studioanima i think, got the link but in japanese though. Reminds me of metal gear solid but bunny version haha.i dun get the title LOL


Well payback~
For CC as promised Talim.
Not accurate but wth yeah! Thank you YH for the suggested fixes and stuff.
My boss gimme my evaluation today lol. MUST IMPROVE IN COMPOSITION AND PERSPECTIVE. zzz FIGHTING!

Lol actually i did tons of sketches for the character design but really loose ones in the middle of work. But i can't find the papers anymore -_-. EPIKFAIL

Sunday, March 22, 2009

hur hur

alright, take it as another attempt at the... character design theme. LOL.

Now shahida.. where's my.... girl? XD

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Magic of Post Production

mentioned this earlier today.

seriously amazing.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

New look..

Atleast we know this site is not still... =P will change the banner soon.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Colonel

Oh look, my first post.

Right, so... this is my submission for the Character Design thingy. You're probably thinking, "Why another army motif? Isn't NS bad enough?" but man, I was up at MINDEF during a Minister visit, and those female officers in full dress uniform.... Hot.

Some sketches I did. Looks pretty... well, bland, compared to some of what you guys are doing. Hey, I like simple.

And the Final Piece:


Monday, March 2, 2009


Haha sketched a Felicia! a little late for the Darkstalker Tribute but nontheless, i'm still gonna paint it and post it up.