Big break in work today so was listening to Marco Djurdjevic's drawing video. If you guys want you can ask me for it :P! I won't upload here cos i paid for it.
Anyway had all intention to do character but somehow it turned into a DRAW WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT SESSION.
and it is very evident.

manz i wanna learn how to do pencils like the pros =( oh well gotta practice~ RAWRK ON PPLZ! Ill get somemore sketches done meanwhile ^_^ im kinda avoiding my tablet for now lul.
Sorry AR i didn't want to clutter posts so I add on to this one.
Someone asked for MOAR BUNNY? somehow listening to more Marko produced this.
I'm really sorry for corrupting you innocents.

Harkem, the Marco video... is it the one about character design. 3 characters, one warrior, one shaman-looking characters and one doctor. Are you watching that one?
mm the assasin, the medic, the freak and the gunner. his post apocalyptic ones
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