Friday, January 16, 2009

Possible topic for the blog~

The current logo is good but its always interesting to see what it can become!

Anyway, I was thinking is it possible if we can do some game design. Like we think of a imaginary client that hired all of us to do a MMORPG game. (Could be anything from Real Time Strategy, First Person Shooting and it can be even Side Scrolling game!) Don't really have to be a MMORPG. We will really design everything, from the story, characters, equipment, props till level and user-interface design. I believe this will utilize everyone speciality. Like i know Yuling do a lot of design stuffs at her company, the U.I definitely need her. Yaohui is spendid with 3D, IZ characters and i believe some of us here has wonderful story in mind. It will be nice if we take a small step.

By the way, I for one is up for side scrolling game! There are too many 3D games out there now. Metal Slug, Mario and Maple Story still has their charm (Dun flame me, I know a lot of ppl hate Maple Story... I just need examples :)) If we can design it, i can even get it flashed and scripted. Possibly really launch it as a game.

What you guys think? I'm still open to any other activities in this blog! No problem with that.
Cya folks around!

1 comment:

Seras said...

heya, long time no see. haha

that's a nice idea, and i'm sure everyone would love to work on something like that. problem is, it's a little too big at the moment, and would be quite time consuming if we were to put effort into it.

in my opinion, the best way to approach this is in parts. story definitely first, but also very tricky. from previous experience, it's not easy to develop a story from the ground up with a group, as the many opinions will tend to make things way too complicated. it would be better if someone had one that we can work on, but even in that case, not everyone might find interest in his or her idea. and this is all just the starting.

so, we need a workable story and world first before this can become reality. =[