you asked for more cards XD
Base scout unit. What I have in mind is this: units are classified into different classes, say Scouts, Infantry, Heavy Armour etc; and within these classes we have 3 different sub classes:
- the base unit (in this case, the MANNEQUIN, which is a base scout)
- a specialist unit (planning a sniper in this case)
- a Hero (the WRAITH card that I posted previously)
On the card, the classification for the different sub classes might be Scout - Specialist for the sniper, Scout - Hero for WRAITH.
Some thoughts that popped up while doing this:
Was thinking of a general UPGRADE card that you can use on BASE units only; ie Specialists and Heroes cannot be upgraded. But since we have Equipment Cards.. wondering if its still workable.
Maybe we need a board design.
Thought of a duel situation where a player can choose a hero that he already has and challenge an opponent hero to a duel; could be useful in a situation where a player has weak unit cards but good hero cards.
And I'm a beeeet concerned that its a 1v1 game... but more on that later. lolz.

I was thinking of having sub-categories also, but due to the fact that we are approaching this whole thing from an open-world design manner, chances are we are going to need a seriously wide range of categories that just those 3 you suggested. However, i do see the benefits of having several sub-cats... this one we got to discuss.
As for the upgrade card, that one sounds feasible. But IMO, should probably be applied in a later revision. You people already mentioned, as it is, there's already a ton of stuff to take note of. Throwing in an upgrade system might further complicate matters.
As for the board.. lol. This is really more of a card game, but i guess if you feel like having a board, feel free to implement one.
We can throw in the Duel thing as a combat mechanic. But i'm not particularly keen to the idea as people will just focus on their heroes that way, due to their higher stats and better abilities. Units are there to play a part too. Preferably, the Duel thing will become an Event card. To discuss also.
And about that 1v1 thing, you mean it as in 1 Hero/Unit vs 1 Hero/Unit in-game? Or as in only 1 player vs 1 player?
Lastly, good job with the cards so far, like the fact you recycled that 'RECON' ability i thought up. Too many different abilities = bad IMO. Nice work on the backstories too. Just think you should adjust the COST a lil'. The Mannequins could be cheaper, perhaps 2 0 2, and the wraith hero more expensive. Plus i think any card with a 9 in any stat should be a RARE card.
oh, so thats what the boxes on the top left are for.. lolz. ok unit cost. btw, have we decided wat resources we're using? initially i thought of having a manpower / population (ala warhammer)but i think that will overly complicate things.
I meant 1 player vs 1 player.
yah, dueling could probably be an event. look at that later.
Err, thought i covered this in the guide. Nvm. The 3 boxes correspond to the 3 resources of Manpower, Mana and Material, examples of each being :
Manpower - Villages, Cities.
Mana - Temples, Fountains.
Material - Mines, Factories.
Or something like these.
Pop cap is a baaaad idea. We already have a limitation in the amount of cards in the deck, adding in another limitation will just make things confusing.
It looks like a 1v1 game so far, but i think it can work in a 1v1v1 or a 2v2 kind of scenario also, that one will require play testing to work out.
Is there anything else you require clarification on? I'll update everything into the guide.
Err, thought i covered this in the guide. Nvm. The 3 boxes correspond to the 3 resources of Manpower, Mana and Material, examples of each being :
Manpower - Villages, Cities.
Mana - Temples, Fountains.
Material - Mines, Factories.
Or something like these.
Pop cap is a baaaad idea. We already have a limitation in the amount of cards in the deck, adding in another limitation will just make things confusing.
It looks like a 1v1 game so far, but i think it can work in a 1v1v1 or a 2v2 kind of scenario also, that one will require play testing to work out.
Is there anything else you require clarification on? I'll update everything into the guide.
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