Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Disappearance of Isaac


Before i leave this wednesday, wanna make a few changes.

Ignore the layout thing, i think everyone is wayyy more interested in makin cards at the moment than workin on the layout. That one can be done in post production.

So it's official now, everyone PLEASE start making the cards using the layouts supplied. Doesn't have to be the final artwork at the moment, just so long as there's something there, and the card is playable, we can use it. The main aim now is to get enough cards so we can do a play test of sorts to set the rules of the game, and also to balance the cards created. I'm pretty damned sure some idiot will make an IMBA card.

With that settled, i can move on to more random stuff.

Lol, i'm sorry, but i just had to put hirano aya on the banner. She's just too damned cute. (fyi for all those who don't know, she's the voice actress for suzumiya haruhi and konata)

And a couple random lucky star vids. Classic.


Just downloaded the OVA, gonna go watch it asap.

Oh, anyone want anything from Aussie-land? SMS me or something.

Be back on the 18th of November (SO FCKIN LONGGGGGGGG) And if i'm not wrong, the weekend after that is the Anime Festival Asia. We should totally meet up and eat kuishinbo before that. LOL. I'll plan for that when i come back i guess.


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