Thursday, July 24, 2008

[Filler] Your most anticipated game of the second half of 2008?

Since no one is bothering to post work (me included), i've decided to put up random crap to fill the void.

I've got one question.

What is your most anticipated game of the second half of 2008?

That is one hard question... but personally, i would say Tom Clancy's Endwar. It's like a dream game for me. I play almost any and every genre of game, but strategy games occupy a special place in my heart. I guess it's the rush of being able to watch your tactics unfold on a virtual battlefield, like a well coordinated orchestra. It's like magic to me really. Endwar takes all that, and throws in what might be the coolest (and probably the most sensible) feature ever introduced into a strategy game, Voice command. Seriously, a game where you command battalions of infantry and tanks, supported by artillery, gunships, air strikes, and WMDs, all with your voice... God may have just answered my prayers.

For your viewing pleasure.

Alright, thats my share, now everyone POST goddammit.


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