This is one we've talked about for a while now, finally going to set things in place.
A person will be selected as the host (selection method further down) each time we do this theme. The host will then pick either a one page panel, or a 2 page spread panel from ANY comic book he desires, trace out the frames within the panel or panels, and then number them randomly.
After that is done, all participants in the theme must then pick any number. When everyone has a number, the host will send all the participants the panel layout. The participants will then draw within their selected frame. OVERLAPPING THE FRAME IS NOT ALLOWED. Any overlaps will be deleted.
When all participants are done, or when the pre-decided time frame has elapsed, all work must be sent to the host. The host will then compile the works into one, and then release the complete piece or post it on the blog.
- How is the host selected?
This is the fun part. After all the participants have gotten their numbers and the host has released the layout, the participants must then guess which comic the panel layout originated from. The host must release a clue to aid the participants in their guesses. There is no limitation on the clue, it can be as easy or as hard as you deem it fit, just so long as it IS a workable clue. The first participant to guess correctly will become the next host. If no one manages to guess it right, the current host retains his position.
- Can you explain more about being the host?
The host does the most work. Aside from choosing the panel or panels, and subsequently cleaning it up, the host also has to collect and compile all the works when done. However, the host can choose whether or not he wants to contribute to that particular event. He may choose not to add his work to the panel, but he still has to do all the other tasks. The benefit of being the host is that you get first pick on whichever frame you desire on the panel you selected.
- What will the layout be like?
It will be a PSD file containing nothing but the empty panel(s), and their numbers. The PSD will be zipped and uploaded onto any file-hosting site, for the convenience and easy access of all participants.
- How do i submit my work?
Simply send the zipped PSD of your work to the host via any channels, be it MSN, file-hosting, or email. Just so long as the host successfully recieves the finished piece.
- What can i draw?
You're the artist. Be creative. Feel free to add text boxes or any other comic book elements into your frame. JUST SO LONG AS YOU DO NOT OVERLAP OTHER FRAMES. The only exception to the overlapping rule is that you have permission from the person whose frame you are going to overlap. If he/she allows it, then so be it.
- Color or Black/White?
This one should be decided by all participants before the theme is started.
- How long do we have?
This one should also be decided by all participants before the theme is started.
I hope that covers all the questions anyone might have, if not, just comment or shout, and i'll reply asap.